Joy to the World

Thank you for helping us to Spread Joy to the World. Please visit our Donate Page for our most up to date information. 


Looking back, we are singing Joy to the World for so many reasons this year… including 17 babies born to Envisage families in 2023…and 5 more due to arrive this Christmas season!

One woman found joy in the unexpected at Envisage this year…

At 17 weeks pregnant, Amber was ready to jump off a bridge. Feeling overwhelmed by life’s circumstances, Amber was referred to Envisage and immediately felt loved and cared for through support visits and material helps. She said, “We all want a fairy tale life but when that crashed and nobody showed up it was so nice to have Envisage there to fill the void and offer help as needed.”

What we’ve been able to do in 2023 is because of YOU! God has used you and your generosity to impact so many. Thank you. We look ahead to 2024 with such eager anticipation knowing that with your help, we can continue to provide quality care for the families who walk through our doors… and with your partnership, touch Envisage families’ hearts with in some new ways too!

This Christmas we are singing Joy to the World

 The Lord has Come and we are grateful.

Pray with us that many would Prepare Him Room

Merry Christmas,

Ways to Spread Joy

Spread Joy through our Joy to the World Campaign this Christmas by donating in any of the following ways…


E-Transfers can be sent to Please include your mailing address in the message section for receipting purposes. E-Transfers are direct deposited into our account


Use our secure online donation form to give one-time, monthly or tribute and memorial gifts.


Call the Barrie centre at


to make a VISA or Mastercard donation


Please make cheques for the Barrie centre and the South Georgian Bay satellite payable to Envisage Pregnancy Services and
mail to Envisage Pregnancy Services, 5 Sophia St. East, Barrie, ON L4M 1Y1

Wish List

Have you ever wanted to bless an Envisage family practically but been unsure of what would be helpful? You can send a gift to an Envisage Family this Christmas or give your Family Members the gift of knowing you blessed an Envisage Family on their behalf. This amazon list will also be updated throughout the year.

Thank you for helping us spread Joy to the world.

Please note: Envisage does not provide charitable receipts for material items.

Monthly Pledge

Envisage also accepts Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) donations, directly from your bank account. To set up (PAD) giving, simply download our PAD Form HERE, then complete and return it with a void cheque by mail or by e-mail with a picture of a void cheque, to

Spreading Joy In New Ways…


Kathy’s Heart is an in-home support that will provide new moms with wholistic and practical care when it is difficult for them to leave their home postpartum. Our goal is to meet them where they are at, helping them meet immediate needs, and equipping them to become thriving families. During this Christmas, will you partner with us and help us launch Kathy’s Heart in 2024? Partner with us financially using any of the above methods to help us bring Kathy’s Heart to Envisage homes!

Aware, Prayer, Share!

When you are aware of something, your prayers can be impactful and you can share the vision with others. Reference this list all year long to engage with us. Follow along each month in practical ways to support Envisage!


Amazon Wishlist

Have you ever wanted to bless an Envisage family practically but been unsure of what would be helpful? You can send a gift to an Envisage Family this Christmas or give your Family Members the gift of knowing you blessed an Envisage Family on their behalf. This amazon list will also be updated throughout the year.

Thank you for helping us spread Joy to the world.

Please note: Envisage does not provide charitable receipts for material items.

Join our e-news to receive more details about what’s happening at Envisage right to your inbox!
Look for the Newsletter Sign-up just below, in the footer.

5 Sophia Street East

35 Fourth Street East

Text or Call: 705-739-7280


Thank you for thinking of us for your gently used and in good condition material items. Please call the centre ahead of your drop off donation. We have limited space for storage and while we are grateful, our capacity may be full. 


Envisage Pregnancy Services provides support to anyone facing unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy related difficulty.

All services are completely free and confidential. Our support is peer-based and not intended to substitute for professional counselling.

We are not a medical clinic. We do not provide abortions or make arrangements for abortions. We are not an adoption agency. We do not facilitate adoptions. 


Envisage Pregnancy Services is an affiliated centre with Pregnancy Care Canada.


Formerly Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre.