FAQ – old
F.A.Q.’s About Our New Name
In November 2018, Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre announced that we have a new name …
Envisage Pregnancy Services!
We’ve anticipated that there might be some questions about this change.
Please let us know if you have a question that we have not answered below.
Why did you change your charity’s name?
Our previous legal name “Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre” was geographically limiting. When we opened a satellite centre in downtown Collingwood (to serve South Georgian Bay) in the fall of 2018, we knew it would be confusing to continue using our legal name “Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre” in that new location. We also have a desire to offer services in other communities in the future. So it made a lot of sense to change our organization’s name now to something that could be used in various different communities.
Did you change the name of the Satellite Centre in Collingwood, or the centre in Barrie … or both?
The centres in both locations are operated by the same organization – previously Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre. We are now Envisage Pregnancy Services operating in two locations (Barrie and Collingwood-South Georgian Bay) … and we hope to operate in more locations in the future!
Why couldn’t you just use the name “The Pregnancy Resource Centre”?
We worked with a lawyer as we pursued the name change, and he recommended that we not use a name as generic as “The Pregnancy Resource Centre”, because there would be more likelihood of a conflict arising by a different but similarly named organization. We needed to find a name that was not already a registered business name, and that also had a domain availability for our website. We also did market research with clients and potential client age groups. Our team sorted through many, many name possibilities and prayed through the decision. We feel that the name Envisage will be attractive to potential clients and communicates well who we are and what we do!
Why did you choose Envisage?
Envisage means “to imagine or expect something in the future, especially something good”. (dictionary.cambridge.org)
When people face difficult pregnancy circumstances, it can be hard for them to picture how their future might unfold.
It is our prayer that Envisage Pregnancy Services will provide people in difficult pregnancy situations with support to imagine how their future might look and hope to expect something good!
What does Envisage mean?
See above ☺
How do you pronounce Envisage?
Envisage is pronounced similarly to the word “envision” but with the ending “sage”! ☺
This link can help you practice saying “Envisage” … https://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/english/envisage
Why “Pregnancy Services” instead of “Centre”?
We want to communicate our ability to provide services in a more “mobile” way to people who need that support. We provide support to ladies during birth at the hospital and in the early post-partum stages we can sometimes provide support in their homes! If someone from a community near one of our centres cannot travel to our centre, we will do our best to arrange to come meet them in their community – often on one of our partnering churches who allow us to use a room in their building.
Has anything changed about the mission of the centre or the way you operate?
We are still very much still the same organization! All that has changed is our name. Our lawyer described our name-change as being like a person taking a new name after getting married – the person is still the same, but she just has new ID!
The mission, vision, values, board and team members are still the same under Envisage Pregnancy Services as they were under Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre. But now it is less confusing to operate in communities outside of Barrie!
I want to support your organization – How do I make a donation?
Visit the Donate Page on our website https://www.envisagepregnancy.ca/donate/ to see all the ways you can partner with the centre!
I have arranged for monthly donations to be made to Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre – What will happen to those?
Thank you for your support! Your donations will continue as they were arranged! Once the bank has fully processed our name change, they should begin to show on your statement as donations to Envisage Pregnancy Services.
I just mailed a cheque written to Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre – Can you still accept it?
Yes! Our bank has said they will be flexible during this stage of transition and will continue to accept donations to Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre.
I donated to Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre in 2018, what will happen with my tax receipts?
Envisage will provide tax receipts at the end of January 2019 for donations made to either Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre or Envisage Pregnancy Services in 2018. Our charitable number (84501 6526 RR 0001) remains the same under Envisage Pregnancy Services as it was under Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre.