Dawn and Chris are an established married couple in their 30’s. But when they found out Dawn was pregnant, the couple describes that it “wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows”. The pregnancy wasn’t planned and Dawn was immediately very sick and later diagnosed with hyperemesis (severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy). Facing the pregnancy was very emotional, challenging and difficult for both of them. Dawn describes …
“We didn’t know if we could handle it. We didn’t know if we would be able to continue with the pregnancy. Not only was I really sick, but emotionally and mentally I was struggling with depression and not enjoying pregnancy. I was not feeling what I thought you should feel when you’re pregnant. It affected Chris as well, because it was difficult for him to see his wife go through those challenges”.
Dawn and Chris searched the Internet for support and found Envisage. They quickly reached out for support. Chris says …
“We were overwhelmed with the support we received when first walked in door. It was a warm welcome and we had a really good discussion with our support worker. She was very understanding and empathetic.”
Dawn and Chris continued to visit Envisage for support throughout their pregnancy. Some people who visit Envisage face struggles with finances or isolation. But Dawn and Chris describe that those were not their challenges. Instead they faced “more of a mental and emotional roller coaster that we needed support for. And it made such a huge difference”. The couple describes that the support and classes they received at Envisage gave them confidence to know that they could continue the pregnancy and be prepared as parents.
“We may not be the typical couple or situation that comes into the centre, but we would say to anyone who is struggling or anxious about pregnancy or their situation “Reach out to the centre; it’s a phone call that can have a huge impact.” For us it was the first step in what has ended up being an amazing story.”