Chelsea* contacted Envisage early in her pregnancy. She had become overwhelmed by all the circumstances in her life. Her relationship with the baby’s father had become abusive, so she moved in with her family, which was also a very unhealthy situation for her. Chelsea’s mother visited Envisage with her and together they shared about the abuse that had been part of their family’s story for generations. Chelsea’s mother had endured abuse as a child and she married a man who became abusive to her and their children.  As Chelsea shared more of her story with us, we could see the impact that this abuse had on her life.

But Chelsea also talked about how she wanted to break free from abuse.

This provided our team with a place to shine hope for Chelsea, explaining that with the choices she made throughout this pregnancy, she would have the opportunity to break generational cycles of abuse, and start a new healthy and hopeful journey for her and her child.

Chelsea took this message of hope to heart.  She diligently attended every appointment with us, accessing peer support and childbirth classes. We provided her with clothing and other practical items to help her prepare for her baby. She worked incredibly hard, over and over, trying to find a living arrangement that would provide some stability. At Christmas, she was given a generous gift with grocery cards provided by one of our Envisage supporters. The message of hope through our meetings and this tangible, practical help seemed to give Chelsea the “wind beneath her wings” that she needed. She and her mother saved up money for rent and then moved into a safe apartment, away from those who abuse them.

We know that long-lasting change is never easy. Chelsea and her mother will continue to face challenges. But this spring they welcomed Chelsea’s new baby into their new home – free of abuse. And they have a fresh start to live in a different, healthier and happier way.

We are so, so proud to know Chelsea and to have the privilege to journey with her. She is a courageous example of someone who is an overcomer.


*Name changed to protect identity (Stock Photo Credit: Unsplash)